Today she discover she could move the curtain and the light was brighter lol every little thing that we take for granted is a new thing to learn for her, is so amazing see her think,analyze and do this things. She spend more than 10 min playing there.
05 junio 2013
04 junio 2013
My life as a mom
So far I've been a mom for over 9 months and 2weeks, never in my life I would have imagine my life would be so different, I learned lots of new things, now I read more and get more info before making a decision for my child, I'm a new mom, who's baby never had formula, I'm proud to say I'm 100% pro breast-feeding, my child wears cloths diapers, I carry her around in a mei tai instead of a stroller and use the baby led weaning method to feed her so she doesn't eat pureed food.
Some people think I'm crazy but this is the way I think is best to raise this beautiful baby God send me.
And we love learning! This picture was taken the first day she ate pasta, one of her favorite foods, is so funny my little hamster keep some of the pasta hiding in her mouth for latter lol.

03 junio 2013
21 agosto 2012
Welcome Isabella!
On a beautiful morning on August 21, 2012 at 12:30 my sweet baby girl Isabella Kristhine Gomez was born!
2915g 50cm
13 marzo 2012
What a miracle!!
This is my baby girl! YES is a Girl! we are so exited to know the gender of our baby.
Kriss, my mom, my MIL and I went to ultrasound appointment together, and we were amazed of how big she is, but the cherry on top was finding that Isabella is perfect!
11 enero 2012
First Post of the year
I was going to post about the highlights of last years, but I never expected my year to start the way it did.
On the new years party I ate something that upset my tummy, I felt sick for over a week, this wasn't normal my tummy hurts, I feel nausea couldn't even see any kind of meat because I was about to puke. Kriss told me I was pregnant, I say no it was imposible, (long story short due to my health problems I can't get pregnant) so I was sick with no reason.
Well last friday I thought it was enough of been sick and gave Kriss the reason and got tested:
On Monday I went with my mom to get the ultrasound, my baby is 7 weeks old, we hear its little heart beat, it was the best sound in the whole world all I could do was to praise the lord for this life that is growing in my belly, I cry every time I see its first picture, its so tiny and perfect.
On the new years party I ate something that upset my tummy, I felt sick for over a week, this wasn't normal my tummy hurts, I feel nausea couldn't even see any kind of meat because I was about to puke. Kriss told me I was pregnant, I say no it was imposible, (long story short due to my health problems I can't get pregnant) so I was sick with no reason.
Well last friday I thought it was enough of been sick and gave Kriss the reason and got tested:
What a SURPRISE!!!! I'm pregnant!!!!!
I can't explain why now I'm pregnant, for 3 long years we try, we pray and cry about the fact I didn't get pregnant! and now all of the sudden there is a baby for us. its a Miracle!
I receive the blood test by email, when I open it I didn't understand what positive mean, had to call Kriss so he read the test, we start crying happily for this awesome news. The first thing I did was to call my parents; that day all my aunts were at my parents house, my dad was telling them he had a dream, he receive a call from the tv station for a casting, he was going to play the part of a grandpa on a movie but they didn't select him because his hair wasn't gray enough lol 5 minutes latter I call with the news and everyone was screaming!! they are so exited with this new baby that is coming.
22 diciembre 2011
Christmas Presents
This year I've decided to make the Christmas presents we are going to give. I separate then in 2 types of presents, one for the boys of the family and the other for the girls
For the girls I bough these cute bottles and fill them with hand sanitizer then decorate them with stickers and ribbon.
Sorry for the bad pic lol but I was to lazy to rotate it, I mede boxes for every single hand sanitizer bottle, A total of 10 of them, I know I'm crazy!
For the little girls I made socks cupcakes really cheap and simple
these is a sample of the girls presents
For the boy was easy I made these cute bags and fill them with hot weels for the little ones and candies and dry nuts for the adults, there are a total of 16 bags!! I know this is crazy!! but it was fun now I'm waiting for them to see them on the 24!
10 octubre 2011
The best way to start using all the stuff I have is making ATC, I'm trading these beauties with my crafty friends, is so easy to try new techniques in this size of paper to bad I'm running out of paper lol
Tim Holtz Obsession
I've been scrapbooking for at least 6 year, so far I have mores supplies than competed albums, on of my favorite techniques is using alcohol inks to make little flower and stain everything well the addiction has increase now most have everything from Tim Holtz lol
The good thing is I have a great friend who loves Timmy ( the name we gave him) as much as I do so she is torturing me to ge more stuff (like I'm going to believe that :D) My friend Monica and I have decided to learn as much as possible about Tims techniques and give our stuff the best use.
Last night I was curious of how much of his stuff I had, well lets say I'm impress!!! I couldn't believe my eyes! this is all the stuff I have in my apartment, need to add the dabbers that are in my parents house lol
They look so nice all together it just makes me want to play, most of this stuff is old I I haven't use it before like the hammer it was missing for 2 year, "surprisingly" it was in Kriss tool box, I wonder how it got there mmmmm.........I'm impress that I only have 1 distress stickles, just ONE!! I need to fix that soon :D
My alcohol inks are all worn out those poor thing have suffer most of my creative attacks along with my perfect peals, since I like the shinny effect they are wayyyy better than using glitter to get that shine I was looking for.
Mini misters are the best things on earth! they are one the of the cheapest spray bottles I bough, their mist is great perfect for working with the the inks and the perfect pearls.
and finally my new masks! I'm in loooveee with these I didn't expect they work as good, the are perfect for all of my projects!!
03 octubre 2011
International Cardmaking day!
A group of friend and I planned to celebrate the International Cardmaking day, these are some pics of that event!
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