25 mayo 2008

My wish list

Since I'm going to have money for my trip to TX, I'm going to start a list of the thing I want to get there so I don't forget them, plus a few things I want in the future.

The Mac BookLaptop Bagthis is the one I want but this one cost $200 Its wayyy to expensive for me.

I'll be happy if I find something cute like this one
New fancy head phones for my Ipodat least 4 new shirts and 4 t-shirts
I need summer clothes
2 pair of pants
I want a capri and a regular blue jeans to work
a blue sweater

My blue sweater that I wear every day is not longer dark blue and it look horrible
1 Swing suit
2 pair of working shoes
not high heels thankyouverrymuch
white sock
unbelievable I have to leave the country to buy white socks made in Costa Rica.

things I WANT:
Guitar hero for Wii
wii fit
2 more Wii games for Gabo

Scrapbooking stuff
the cricut
more scrapbooking stuff

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